The Wildlife Trusts are on a mission to bring nature back. From restoring natural habitats like seagrass, peatbogs and saltmarshes, to re-introducing 'ecosystem engineers' like the beaver, The Wildlife Trusts are helping nature recover so it can enrich all our lives and help in the fight against climate change.
This is a big task, and The Wildlife Trusts are not tackling it alone. The Wildlife Trusts are working with communities to bring back nature where they live, including schoolchildren making bug houses, neighbours coming together to grow wildflowers, and people asking their elected representatives to stand up for nature.
Funding from players of People's Postcode Lottery is helping The Wildlife Trusts to:
There are more Wildlife Trusts nature reserves in the UK than branches of McDonalds! Most people live within a few miles of one of The Wildlife Trusts' 2,300 nature reserves and 123 visitor and education centres. Everyone is welcome to visit, take some time out in nature, and join a community of wildlife lovers working to protect and restore our beloved natural world.
Working together, people can change the natural world for the better; everyone has a part to play.
For more information, visit their website www.wildlifetrusts.org